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One of our projects

Residential complex station project in Diwaniyah Secondary School

Construction, installation, inspection and operation of the secondary power station (11/33 KV)   In the residential complex in Diwaniyah .

Project details :
  1. The project is a station (2*16) MVA , It consists of (boxes + partitions) 33K.V number(6) And (boxes + dividers) 11k.v number(15)  And battery chargers (2) And a control panel for alternating current And continuous current with a set of batteries (1) With a service number extension (1) capacitors (2) And a number of grounding resistors(2) With the station’s spare materials, noting that the breakers were supplied by Schneider France And the transformers are from Diyala Electrical Industries Company.
  2. The project includes laying cables 1 * 400 mm, number (2) connecting from the East Diwaniyah and Mahal station Implemented plan with Qablo 3*150 mm 11 k.v in number (2) Connect between the terminal and the residential complex .

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