One of our projects
Residential complex station project in Diwaniyah Secondary School

Construction, installation, inspection and operation of the secondary power station (11/33 KV) In the residential complex in Diwaniyah .
- The body funding the project/Al-Qadisiyah Governorate Council.
- The beneficiary party / Diwaniyah Electricity Distribution Directorate.
Project details :
- The project is a station (2*16) MVA , It consists of (boxes + partitions) 33K.V number(6) And (boxes + dividers) 11k.v number(15) And battery chargers (2) And a control panel for alternating current And continuous current with a set of batteries (1) With a service number extension (1) capacitors (2) And a number of grounding resistors(2) With the station’s spare materials, noting that the breakers were supplied by Schneider France And the transformers are from Diyala Electrical Industries Company.
- The project includes laying cables 1 * 400 mm, number (2) connecting from the East Diwaniyah and Mahal station Implemented plan with Qablo 3*150 mm 11 k.v in number (2) Connect between the terminal and the residential complex .